Guess what OS I am on?
Uh-huh, the OS I lurved to hate but am just coming back to every time.
While everyone is out to lunch, here I am, churning out article after article, chasing after the backlog that my hiatus had caused. But enough about that, let’s talk about Windows, as I am sort of gleeful that I am on it once more.
I said before that I missed Windows, right?
Well, the reason is that, to be honest, Windows allows me to focus more on my work than anything else. After a while, the Aqua interface does get old, and you would long for the pared-down environment that Windows offers.
Aqua is such a beauty, to me, that I think that the same area it is great in, is the same area that my productivity suffers in.
Microsoft Windows is just configured for the business user that the usual considerations for interface prettiness are relegated to the background. On the other hand, it allows the worker, writer, tech support person (moi) to just focus… Because it’s so devoid of anything interesting or distracting to look at. :p
On the other hand, nothing beats the main factor that contributes to the robustness/beauty of OS X: its stability. Because OS X is just so stable, I don’t want to move back to Windows and use it on a constant basis at all. I just like being able to play with it once in a while.
Case in point?
Well, of all the TSRs in my account, I’m one of the few who had zilch problems with her PC. We are all running Windows XP SP2 on Hewlett-Packard computers. Says a lot, eh? :p
On another note, I would like to dispel the notion that HP computers are lousy. Because this one I’m working on is just beautiful, and she’s actually pretty sexy. But surely, an aluminum iMac would out-seduce this baby, because the base of the monitor has lines that make me feel like it looks like some sort of science project.
Yes, I love Jonathan Ive, and I praise the Creator that made his genius of a brain. :p
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