The long awaited game Halo 3 from the developers Bungie Studios, officially last launched Tuesday, September 25, raked a record-breaking $170 million on its first-day sales. Remember the date September 25 the biggest day in US entertainment History.
But still that wasn’t smooth sailing, yes it did cause some minor problems and lots of frustrations with all the publicity Halo 3 racked up. There are also the issue of the scratched Limited Edition Halo 3 disks, which has been answered with a promising news, You can send it back for a free by filling out a form and send in their scratched limited-edition discs for a free exchange through the end of December. Just Click this Link for the Disk Replacement.
And the experience of game play problems on Xbox Live such as screen freezes, inability to access Xbox Live and a weird game update that would lead to a very frustrating error message, which was due to the part of the Halo 3 and that these “minor issues” as Microsoft claims is due to the uber amount of traffic caused by the notorious Halo 3 (you sneaky devil) and is dubbed the “most active Xbox Live gaming day in history”. Yeah I was one of the unlucky dudes the experienced those problems, I wanted to play it so badly, I almost cried when I couldn’t login to Xbox Live, but luckily for me, my Limited Edition Halo 3 disk has no scratches on it (yehey!).