You may have that killer home theater system that will surely make the ladies go ooohhh and ahhhh… but THAT IS if you can get the ladies home first! 🙂 Chances are, well… let me stop there. I don’t want to hurt feelings here. Instead, let me tell you how you can wooo the ladies on the road.
The VMOD (Vizualogic Media on Demand) zooms you to the A-list you deserve. Imagine being able to bring your best media resources on the road. Got that killer rock library, R&B, smooth jazz or that murderous get-that-beat-down rap music (!) … hey everything fits right into VMOD.
Under the hood of the VMOD is actually a compact Windows XP PC, running StreetDeck’s slick in-car multimedia interface.The VMOD not only supports playback of music and videos, but can also be upgraded with optional GPS and satellite radio capabilities. You’ll also be able to surf the Internet when sitting in your driveway. In addition to 802.11 b/g connectivity, you might have luck with mobile broadband devices (like this one) as long as they connect via USB.
10,000 songs on a a shock-proof 40GB hard drive… that’s a lot of music man! And it’s in the hood! Transfer music from your home PCs via wifi to your car VMOD and you’re set.