Apple finally unveiled their new MacBook and MacBook Pros this week. I’ve got a 6-month old 13-inch MacBook, am I jumping for joy… nah. If I had waited 6 months more, I’d have this new baby with me today. But anyway, I am happy with what I’ve got, and will most probably keep my eye on the Macbook developments until next year… when I finally can afford an upgrade!
If you’re just in time for an upgrade, lucky you. The new MacBook and MacBook Pro line sports a very handsome finish. It somehow shows me a hint of the the MacBook Air design. Cool aluminum finish with backlit keyboards. Under the hood are significant improvements in hard disk space, memory, processor speed and many more… read the complete feature list right here. Or watch their product video right here.
I’m sure there’d be a lot of sales for Apple as it is nearly the holiday season. What I’d really love to see is if they can bundle this for students. I remember Apple bundled iPods and the iTouch for every Macbook purchase by a student. I hope they do that with this new line soon.