There are tech blogs, and there are tech blogs. Technology seems to be one topic that is oft chosen by bloggers because it’s a common denominator among Internet users. We love technology and gadgetry one way or another.
No matter what your obsession is–media players, mobile phones, laptops, cars, or even other consumer electronics like televisions, audio-visual systems, and whatnot–you are most likely to be a gadget geek. And Gadzooki addresses that thirst for knowledge and information about all things tech and all things electronic or mechanical.
Gadzooki is not only about tech, though. Gadzooki is about people. When we relaunched in May of 2007, Gadzooki evolved into a community blog. you don’t only get your tech fix from one or two bloggers. Now we have half a dozen writers from different backgrounds, and with different opinions. You get more tech/gadget news more often!
But that’s just half of the equation. Our community cannot be complete without you, the reader. So please feel free to pitch in your two cents’ worth by commenting on articles and features. Or if you need to send us something private, we have an email comment form you can use to send us a message directly.
Just how passionate are we with gadgets and technology? We have a saying here on Gadzooki: I want one!
We’re happy to share your passion and excitement about all things tech.
Gadzooki Team