The WashUP concept, created by Sevin Coskun, stacks a washing machine on top of your toilet.
Let me start off by telling you that the toilet water doesn’t clean your clothes. In fact, it’s the exact opposite. The water that’s used in the washing machine is stored for later use to eliminate your waste.
– Water conservation. Instead of just flushing all of that perfectly good H2O away, it can be used in a practical manner.
– The washing machine takes up less space, utilizing an often unused piece of real estate in your home – the area above your toilet.
– Loading and unloading is easier due to the upright nature of the WashUp. No more bending over to move clothes in and out.
– The bathroom is the worst smelling room in the joint, regardless of how much fabric softener you use. I would not want to spend any extra time in the loo.
– The washing machine would likely be more narrow, accepting smaller loads than we are accustomed to.
– Human waste is simply a bit too close to clean clothes. There’s something just not right about the whole thing.