Buying a car can be quite confusing especially for those who are not as well versed with car speak and car terms. Because a car is a major ticket purchase one should be very careful in inspecting a prospective car before actually parting with the hard earned cash. This would not be so much of a problem if a new car is being bought, but not everyone can buy a new car. A large percentage of the car buying public would opt to buy a second hand or used car so that they can realize a little savings for their purchase.
Below are some tips on how you can buy a car in a manner that is effective and covers all of the basics:
* Do not hesitate to ask questions – you should not be embarrassed or uncomfortable when you ask questions about the car that you are eyeing. Continue to ask questions and exhaust all of the inquiries. Stop only if you feel that you already have all the answers that you need. Also remember that having asked all of those questions does not mean that you are now required to stick with that particular dealer to buy your car. Asking questions does not mean you have an obligation to get your car from them. You should also ask for all of the pertinent figures in writing so that you can study them at your own leisure before committing to anything. Take your time to make decision when you are buying a new car. But if it is a used car that you are looking for and you have found one that fits your requirements then you should make the decision then and there. No two used cars are alike so if you try to put off your decision for the day, you may return the following day and discover that the car has been sold to another person.
* Shop for a car but leave your emotions at home – shopping for a car can be an emotional experience. Something in our brain is wired in such a way that we can easily fall in love with a car. This is all well and good but a definitely bad practice if you are shopping around for a car. When shopping for a car you should not let your emotions dictate what you should do. An inability to walk way from a car could very well result in you paying much more than you ought to. Be transparent with car dealers when you tell them what your budget is for a car.
* Have a general idea of what you want – Do your homework before you even go out and shop for a car. Know what you want even before you see your first car. Knowing does not exactly mean being sure of what you want down to the model, make and engine displacement. A general idea would do so you can immediately narrow down the field.
It’s the price not the payments – A rookie mistake is negotiating the payment terms with the dealer. What you should negotiate for instead is the price of the car. A dealer who only wants to talk about payments is hiding something about the actual price of the car. Don’t get fooled by this tactic and insist on a price negotiation instead.