Imagine wearing a shirt that can point anyone to your online profile on facebook, myspace or friendster? Partly cool, partly scary… but the idea is quite unique eh. Well, here this out, the W-41 apparel has a special logo printed on it, which is very unique to every product, and is linked to you. Using your camera phone your friends can take a photo of it and the phone’s web browser will pop up to show your online social media website.
Ok now to the cool and scary part… it is cool because the phrase “you are what you wear” somehow becomes a reality for you. It would be easy to connect with you. The scary part is well, it would be easy to connect with you, even strangers can! I do hope this idea takes a good turn in caring for privacy, otherwise, it’ll flop. People today are getting a little jittery about privacy and stuff these days!
See how this works, right here.