A friend YM’ed me yesterday to tell me that they’ve adopted a pet puppy from the city pound. The family is all excited about spending their very first day with “Spots”, his children were very delighted to just run with Spots all around the yard. Well, that happy time is long over, barely 24 hours at that when Spots began leaving “little gifts” to clean. It takes some genuine loving to adopt a puppy. It’s a great commitment… for the parents!
Sent him another email just now that the next close thing to Spots is just nearly as good. Welcome Wrex The Dawg, saw this toy from GeekAlerts.
Wrex The Dawg is wacky, fun & near to the real thing with all its antics and fake growls. Let me share with you some of its features:
Stuff like: Rubbing his robo-ass across the floor like a bad dog, fake peeing with funny sound effects, sneezing, and slot machine eyes that look help a whole lot with the cartoon feel.
You can even turn him into a cat, which he does pretty convincingly. Put him on guard duty and he’ll act like a guard dog. The remote is styled like an oversize industrial remote for some reason. Pretty cool stuff. I would say he’s a cut above most “dog” robots.