In video game news, it looks like Nintendo’s Wiimote gets a little confused under certain lighting. But that’s ok, because the Wii is primed to be priced under $220 (we think it will price at $199). That’s 1/3 the price of Sony’s Behemoth. Wii, Wii, Wii, all the gaming news is about Wii. Wii? Not sure, but here’s more: Speculation is rampant that the Wiimote will include a microphone and VoIP support. That would be a very nice touch (no pun intended).
In science news, it turns out that the Hugh Hefner myth is false: Men Have a Biological Clock Too! Speaking of reproduction, a new study shows that traits can bypass DNA inheritance and get passed on by RNA. Excellent news! I had always felt constrained by the Central Dogma. Now I can reproduce with confidence….
Keeping with the topic of reproduction, I bet you didn’t know that your sex was determined by a genetic tug of war! So now we know where to place the blame for all these wars. You think war is bad now, just wait until it gets fought in the 4th dimension of space. Or, what if an army is the first to develop the technology for an invisibility cloak? Invisibility cloak, you say? Yes, invisibility cloak. And it may only be five years away.
On the positive side of sci-tech, a company in Virginia is building the technology necessary for placing underground windmills in New York City to tap into the city’s unharnessed power source. And speaking of energy, it looks as though a multi-billion dollar nuclear fusion project is underway for the development of advanced energy sources. Oh, the dream (and the nightmare) of limitless energy!