Here’s a great way to wake up every morning, and it’s not your usual alarm clock at all. A find, this slick and stylish Retro Alarm Clock carries what I say is a 1-2-3 power punch for the geekiest person in you. Too your geek friends call it your regular IPod dock, to mom… hey, say it’s an alarm clock. Either way you’d surely hear those ooohhs and aaahhhhs of admiration.
You can configure it to wake you up to your favorite tune. “Say a Prayer” perhaps? Or rock it to Madonna’s latest hit… you choose. Once you plug this into this “dock” the IPod quickly goes into clock mode. It will automatically charge it for you as well. How’s that for a feature?
Omni directional speakers, analog alarm sounds and/or your iTunes favorites… you’re the boss. Available in ebony black, metal blue or cool silver colors, pink… or white.
Retails for about US$70… not bad eh?