We all have parents and if we are blessed enough, they will live a long and productive life. Playing with grandchildren, answering our late night calls about how to discipline our children, and the ongoing stress they have watching us stumble through the obstacles of life takes its toll on them. This doesn’t even include the normal day to day tasks our aging parents tackle on their own. It is a natural part of life for us to eventually take care of our parents as they took care of us. Below are a few ways that technology is now able to help us do a better job.
The cell phone has made quite an evolution. From the”brick” of the 80’s and 90’s to the newest smartphone out there, technology has adapted to society. This includes our elderly generations. Cell phones can be difficult and time consuming for some older people, but companies continue to simplify the uses. This helps us stay connected to our parents in ways that weren’t previously possible. Cell towers can go down, but the instances are less than landlines. And we can check on our parents no matter where they are, as well.
Sometimes, it’s necessary for our aging parents to have in house medical care. Thanks to modern technology, we can now make our parents as comfortable as possible whether they are just recovering or getting ready to pass on. There are medical beds that make being bedridden a little more tolerable, patient lifts to help you move disabled parents, and even portable oxygen systems. Although, it would be nice if the price of these awesome innovations matched the extremely usable utility they own.
As our parents age, there are times in their lives, especially if they live alone or have lost a spouse, that we worry about what might happen if they were injured or got sick and couldn’t get to a phone, because, let’s face it, sometimes our parents want to keep the independence of finally having their kids out of the house. But how do we keep track of them, give them their independence, and stay within arms reach? Again, thanks to the constant progress of technology, there are simple necklaces that contain a button, that when pushed, will alert the proper authorities and you, making keeping your parents safe much easier and less stressful.
Our parents put so much time and effort into raising us. They took care of our boo boos, nursed us back to health when we were sick, and helped us with homework among many many other things. We owe them the same care to the best of our ability and technology will help us do that.