Joystiq has a source that leaked some details on pricing for the soon to be released accessories for the Xbox 360.
- 360 Wireless Gaming Receiver: $20
- Wireless Racing Wheel: $130
- Wireless headset: $60
- Xbox Live Vision Camera: with headset, one month of Live Gold, and one Xbox Live Arcade game: $40
- Halo & Forza Faceplates: New faceplates for Halo (with the Master Chief on ‘em, but not Halo 3 specific) and Forza: $20 each
- 256 MB portable Memory Unit: no official price yet, but definitely not four times the cost of the older 64MB Memory Unit
Everything seems pretty reasonable in price, though the racing wheel is more than I would like it to be. I wonder though if a 256 MB Memory Unit is still even close to being big enough? Can’t they get some of those small 1.5″ hard drives in the two to four gigabyte range for people to use? Atleast then they could save a demo on one.