Gadget lovers will try to incorporate their love for gadgets and everything cool in practically all aspects of their lives. I consider myself a huge gadget lover and I can attest to the fact that, if I had the means, I’d put cool stuff in everything that I touch. I’ve placed LCD screens in my car so that my kids can watch their favorite videos on long haul drives, I’ve turned our car into a Wifi hotspot so that all of the Wifi devices that my wife and I own can connect to the internet even when we’re on the road, We have a networked media player attached to our TV so that whenever I download shows I can dump it on the player so we can watch on our LCD TV.
There are just so many things that I’ve done in and around the house that it’s practically a gadget showroom. Probably the only part of the house that hasn’t been “gadget upgraded” has been the bathroom. Because what can you really put in the bathroom on a relatively tight budget? Well, after seeing the LED Chrome Waterfall Faucet, I’ve now set my eyes on a way to “gadgetize” our bathroom.
The LED Chrome Waterfall faucet is a great way to not only bring some high tech glamor to your bathroom it’s actually useful and not just decorative. The LED lights are actually the main indicators for water temperature when you open it. Each color represents a particular temperature range. For example, the blue LED indicates temperatures from 0 to 30 C, green is for 31 to 40 C, and red is for 41 to 50 C. Cool isn’t it? And if the water gets hotter than the upper limits of the Red LED, it will flash to indicate that the water is extremely hot.
The LED Chrome Waterfall Faucet retails for $69.99.