Three days straight of nothing but phones. After drooling on those luxury phones yesterday, I might as well drool over some more phones. But this time, I want something I can actually target to buy for myself. Something that doesn’t cost an arm and a leg to buy, and if some pickpocket thinks to pick it out of my pocket, I won’t need to cry for all the hard work I put in just to buy it.
The Nokia 3500 was something I actually considered, because it packed all those features in under $200. A phone with features like those used to cost more than $200, and I think it’s really a good buy.
But while I would like the features of the Nokia 3500, like the Bluetooth, the camera, etc., I have to face the fact that I am still struggling to get my cash influx on a steady, constant and stable basis, so I have to content myself with salivating over cheapo cuties under $100.
The Samsung C170 is a sexy screaming phone. I actually thought it was the B’Phone when I happened by it in a phone store in a local mall. Until the lady corrected me, I never would have known that the B’Phone was actually the F300. Says a lot about my ignorance, and a lot about the C170’s sexiness.
The Samsung C140 instantly captured my heart when I saw it. It was just so cute and adorable that I couldn’t help thinking that that could be the phone to replace the clunky circa 2000 Panasonic GD 52 I’m using. :p
If you want the cam phone version of Samsung’s low end line, the C450 might be your answer. Prices when you mouse over the pictures; specs when you click the pictures.
Well, if you need a phone and you don’t really need all those bells and whistles, these three could give you great ideas on what to look for. 🙂
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