Teasing folks since 2006 is RevoPower, creators of The Wheel, an after-market addition to your bicycle, enabling you to utilize a small motor to drive forward.
Topping out at around 17mph, and getting approximately 250 miles per gallon, The Wheel has the potential to revolutionize the way people travel. It’s a great solution for people who only have to commute several miles to work or are looking to run local errands. Having the option to exercise or automatically coast is very appealing.
The small motor (which gets it’s gas supply from a water bottle-sized tank) creates less carbon dioxide than the equivalent size 4-cycle engine.
The Wheel is expected to be released within the next few months as it undergoes final engineering and testing.
The $600 product will fit most 26″ bikes (that don’t have front disc brakes). You must be over 16 years old and wearing a helmet to operate. State laws vary, so check yours out before you sign up.
Help reduce the world’s dependence on oil and remove congestion from crowded roads.
RevoPower, I’m begging you, hook me up with a test version so I can blog to the world about how amazing this product is.