During the recently held Tokyo Game Show, the gaming press as well as video game fans were anticipating the announcement of a price cut for Sony‘s Playstation 3. Unfortunately, this did not happen, which left so many people disappointed. Sony’s present price point for the PS3 is proving to be the biggest stumbling block in the company’s goal to make units fly off the shelves.
That price cut dream looks like its still alive though. Information has surfaced about Sony applying for a new filing with the FCC with regards to a new Playstation 3 with a new model number — CECHGO1. Some people are speculating that this could be the first proof of the eventual announcement of a $399 40GB SKU. From what has been gathered, Sony will implement some changes in order to drive prices down. One rumor is that instead of four USB slots that are available from the S3, only two slots will be offered with the new units. Hopefully these rumors are actually true so I can make preparations to finally buy a PS3.
[tags]Playstation 3, Sony, PS3[/tags]