I’m what you would call a collector. I love collecting stuff – mainly things that are part of my interests. This includes books, toys, movies, and my main passion, music. I have amassed quite a collection of CDs over the years and, to be honest, it has crossed that line from being impressive to unwieldy. There’s just no more room for my collection in my home. Space has become a pressing problem. [Read more…]
Toshiba launching new upscaling DVD player: XDE600
Before Toshiba has embraced Blu-ray and announced its first Blu-ray player, it was a staunch advocate of technology to upscale standard definition DVDs, to the point that it suggested the technology was almost as good as Blu-ray itself.
Well, although it now has a foot in the Blu-ray camp, it hasn’t given up on the XDE (eXtended Detail Enhancement) technology which significantly improves SD DVD picture quality above and beyond what simple upscaling players do, and has announced the XDE600 DVD player.